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Welcome to AAAG

The African Association of Accountants General (“AAAG”) is a Pan African organization that has the full endorsement of the African Union. Its vision is anchored on good public financial governance for an integrated and prosperous Africa. The association has evolving from its predecessor and founding association – the East and Southern African Association of Accountants-General (ESAAG), which was at regional level, now transitioned into a Pan-African institution in July 2023. The African Union (AU), the PAN African Federation of Accountants (PAFA), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) all endorsed and support the formation of “AAAG”.
The role of the Accountant General’s Office in a country’s public financial governance is crucial. Through tried, cost-effective initiatives and programs, the “AAAG” as an association is ideally positioned to support and strengthen the capacity of the AGs’ Offices of member countries who are responsible for budget execution and reporting for their governments.
Additionally, it offers AGs the opportunity to be a part of a group with a legitimate credible voice (representation) in continental and international forums, among other things.

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Delegates to attend
Major African
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Successful Conferences
& meetings held
African members

Our vision

Accountable, Integrated, and Prosperous Africa.

Our Mission

To build trust in public financial management by fostering continental synergies for integrated and sustainable development across Africa.

Why AAAG Matters

Effective public financial management is essential for African nations to achieve sustainable development and economic growth. The African Association of Accountants General (“AAAG”) plays a critical role in supporting member countries by:

  • Providing a Platform for Collaboration:
    The AAAG fosters a network for AGs to share best practices, learn from each other’s experiences, and address common challenges.
  • Building Capacity:
    The AAAG offers training programs and resources to help AGs improve their skills and knowledge in PFM.
  • Promoting Innovation:
    The AAAG encourages the adoption of new technologies and approaches to enhance public financial management in Africa.
  • Amplifying Africa’s Voice:
    The AAAG provides a united front for African AGs to advocate for sound PFM practices on the international stage.

Join Us:

The AAAG welcomes the participation of all African AGs who share our commitment to sound public financial governance. By becoming a member, you gain access to a wealth of resources, networking opportunities, and a platform to contribute to a more prosperous Africa.

Together, we can build a stronger and more accountable financial future for Africa.

National Authorising Office, Plot 488a, Lake Road – Kabulonga, Lusaka

Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm

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