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Ms. Malehlolohonolo Mahase

Mrs Mahase holds an Award of the Best Organisation Driver 2016, of the Finite Women Appreciation Awards, for the outstanding leadership and the youngest CEO. In her tenure of office amongst others, she hosted successful annual conferences which attracted for instance, the former President of the Republic of South Africa Dr Thabo Mbeki (in 2015), the Chairman of Econet wireless Dr Strive Masiyiwa (in 2016).

Mrs Mahase has participated and represented Lesotho in various forums internationally, such as International Federation of Accountants and the Pan African Federation of Accountants. She has presented research papers in numerous conferences and congresses, on Gender Diversity in Leadership. She also have addressed the Eastern and Southern Association of Accountant Generals ESAAG, on the Role of Accountants in the enhancement of the Public Financial Management Reforms.

She has nationally participated in the Public policies, in development of laws such as Audit Act, Company’s Act and PFMA Act, and in the enhancement of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament. She participated on the commentary of the national issues such as the Budget speech. She has been advocating for the use of International Financial Reporting Standards, international Auditing Standards and Quality Control Standards for Auditors in Lesotho.

In her spare time, she sits in various boards and board Committees. She is a member of Junior Chamber International JCI, a Toastmaster. She is a part time lecturer at the Centre for Accounting Studies. She has worked at organisations such as, Moores Rowland, New Dawn Chartered Accountants as an External Auditor.

National Authorising Office, Plot 488a, Lake Road – Kabulonga, Lusaka

Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm

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