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Nsandi Manza

She holds various qualifications including Master’s degree in Business Administration, Master of Science in Leadership, Peace and Conflict Resolution as well as being a Chartered Accountant. Nsandi has over 20 years’ experience in Public Finance Management (PFM) in the Public Sector working in various Government Ministries and the Common Market for the Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

She also has Implemented several Public Financial Management Reforms such as the Integrated Financial Management information system (IFMIS) and designed the Treasury Single Account (TSA)for the government of Zambia. The implementation of the TSA in 2014 enabled the government of Zambia to reduce the number of bank accounts from over 1200 for non- tax revenue to only 20; and from 300 capital accounts to five; and 90 bank accounts for salaries accounts to only one account. In addition, Nsandi was also Public Financial Management (PFM)Advisor and Consultant in the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health.

She is a member of the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants the country’s accountants governing body, providing strategic guidance and regulation for all accountant activities in the country where she is engaged an Item Writer of the Public Sector Financial Management course.

National Authorising Office, Plot 488a, Lake Road – Kabulonga, Lusaka

Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm

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