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African Association of Accountants General

The African Association of Accountants General (“AAAG”) is a Pan African organization that has the full endorsement of the African Union. Its vision is anchored on good public financial governance for an integrated and prosperous Africa. The association has evolving from its predecessor and founding association – the East and Southern African Association of Accountants-General (ESAAG), which was at regional level, now transitioned into a Pan-African institution in July 2023. 

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Our Mission & Vision

Promote research and thought leadership in public financial management

Our Mission

The AAAG is committed to building trust in public financial management by promoting transparency, accountability, and collaboration among African Union member countries, supporting sustainable development and prosperity across Africa.

Our Vision

An Accountable, Integrated, and Prosperous Africa.

Why AAAG Matters

Effective public financial management is essential for African nations to achieve sustainable development and economic growth.

"Supporting Accountability, Transparency and Good Governance in the Public Sector"

Meet the Team

The robust team steering African Association of Accountants General

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Conference recap video

The 1st Annual Conference of the African Association of Accountants General (AAAG) was held in Maseru, Lesotho

The conference brought together accountants general from across Africa to discuss important topics such as public financial management, good governance, and accountability. It was a great success, with over 900 participants from 15 countries. The conference featured a number of workshops and panel discussions on a variety of topics relevant to public financial management in Africa.

National Authorising Office, Plot 488a, Lake Road – Kabulonga, Lusaka

Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm

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